A Day In The Life...
“If children feel safe, they can take risks, ask questions, make mistakes, learn to trust, share their feelings, and grow.” ~ Alfie Kohn
Monday to Friday: 9:05 am - 3:15 pm
Drop off between 8:50-9:05 am and pick up 3:15-3:30 pm
- Emotional Intelligence
- Literacy Block
- Math Block
- Outside Break
- Outdoor Education
- Passion Period
- French
- Arts
- Social Studies/Science
- Physical Education/Health
Evergreen Education uses the Ontario Curriculum as a framework for Math, Language, Science, Social Studies, French as a Second Language and Kindergarten (“How Does Learning Happen?”).
Evergreen Education uses the UFLI curriculum as part of our literacy program which focuses on assessment, instruction, and intervention for students in reading.
As part of our literacy program, Evergreen Education uses Heggerty, an intervention curriculum focused on developing phonemic awareness skills for all learners.
Evergreen Education uses “KidsEQAcademy” as part of our Health program which is a faith-based curriculum for young children that teaches them how to be aware of their emotions, regulate emotions and relate to others.
Evergreen Education uses The Good & The Beautiful curriculum to support Math, Language and Science. It is a faith-based program that is academically strong and emphasizes family, character and nature to create beautiful hearts and minds.
Evergreen Education has been trained in and implements the Modern Classrooms Project self-paced and mastery-based instructional model. This method leverages technology to foster human connection, authentic learning and social-emotional growth. You can find more detailed information here.